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16-year-old wife wants her marriage dissolved

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A 16-year-old housewife, Fatimah Mohammed, on Tuesday asked a Karu Upper Area Court, Abuja to dissolve her 2-year-old mar­riage with Tasiu Kasim.
She told the court that she was fed upwith the union due to her husband’s excesses.
“We got married in 2015 and I have a child for my hus­band, but since we got married there has been no peace.
“He is always fighting with me over petty and insignificant issues, he always beats me up whenever issues arise and the beatings are now unbearable for me.
“Several times, he was warned by elders in both fam­ilies to stop beating me, but he refused.
“My husband also aban­doned his responsibility of tak­ing care of me and my child; he doesn’t buy us clothes and oth­er basic necessities.
“My husband is very jealous and because I am beautiful, he is in the habit of accusing me of dating other men and ’sell­ing my beauty for money.
“Also, it is my mother who has been catering for me and my child,’’ Fatimah said.
Responding, Kasim prayed the court to give him little time to talk to his wife if she could possibly change her decision.
“I don’t have much to say to the court because I love my wife, and I know that she loves me too. We got married be­cause we love each other.
“The court should give us a little time to enable me ap­proach her and sort out these issues. I do not consent to her request for divorce,” Kasim said.
The judge, Abdullahi Baba, adjourned the matter until September 8.

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